Report Factory
Consultants who will give you an opinion, reasoned but direct. A strong data quality and accounting focus with over 20 years experience in Legal Practice Management, processes and reporting.
About Us
Report Factory formed in 2006 to provide Professional Service Firms with the highly specialised service of creating custom automated reports. Working as systems accountants, we recognised that reliable valuable reports always start with great business processes and great business workflows.
Today Report Factory delivers a wide range of data related services and customised automated reporting environments for over 50 clients throughout Australia and the United Kingdom, which includes major top and mid-tier law firms, actuarial, accounting and recruitment firms.
Report Factory Consultants are strange beasts. We have accounting qualifications yet have spent most of our careers in systems accounting. We inherently understand systems, data structures, processes and integrations, both technically and from an accounting perspective.
Your Report Factory Consultant is a one stop shop for these services, and whilst they might collaborate with their colleagues with specialties in sub areas, you will have one point of contact who will manage all services provided to you, for good.

Ready to find out more?
We're keen to help, so drop us a line and let us know what services you might be interested in and your timeframe.
We'll get back to you promptly and set up an online meeting.